The “no coders movement” risking job for software developers?

Navid Mostafiz
1 min readAug 12, 2020

To be honest, anyone with a little computer knowledge could have learned html css and made at least a static website. But no! Now we will make a tool that will do just that according to your desire. The idea sounds simple but the underlying architecture of the tool is not simple and rather complex. This tool will need 100s of developers working at least 40 hours per week. Then a whole company around it will arise just to make sure a very efficient but utterly complicated production cycle is followed. And on top of that the business team will continually tell what people should want, all unnecessary complicated stuffs. The no coders will want them too and subscribe to Premium/Pro version of the tools. More features to be developed, more developers required now. The software industry grows, with a notion of a “no coder movement”

